Speed Day Tourist

During the third edition of Speed ​​Day at Tor Poznań, on May 28, 2024 (Tuesday), motorcycle training will be held for people with tourist motorbikes and ADV.

The training includes the theoretical part which consists of:
• Lectures on the technique of riding a tourist motorcycle,
• Training in the rules that prevail on the racetrack,

In the practical part, participants will go 6 times on the track:
Sessions 1, 2 and 3 with an instructor where we teach how to:
• plan a turn,
• Drive through a combination of consecutive turns,
• Select the braking points,
• Braking in a curve,
• Brake with gears,
Sessions 4, 5 and 6 are independent riding, where we polish what we learned in the morning sessions, or we just enjoy the ride and "unscrew the lever to feel our bike". Of course, the instructors are always at the participants' disposal.

To be able to take part in SD Tourist you must:
• Register on our website https://speed-day.pl/events for May 23 and write "Speed ​​Day Tourist" in the comments, or
• Transfer the amount of PLN 990 to the account: Citibank Handlowy: 46 1030 0019 0109 8503 0004 4259
Title: 23.05 name and surname of the participant
• Have a full motorcycle suit: a one-piece / two-piece suit or a textile suit with protectors, an approved helmet, appropriate footwear and gloves.
• Have or pass a Moto Kart exam (morning training on the rules that prevail on the racetrack)
• Make sure that the motorcycle noise does not exceed 98dbA (if necessary, take the "dB-killer" with you)
• Take a good mood with.

The training lasts from 9.00 to 17.00
The price includes: boxing for Speed ​​Day Tourist participants, lunch during a 40-minute break, instructor, Moto Karta.